How to Prevent Gum Disease in 7 Easy Steps

We all know that gum disease can lead to gum recession and loose teeth but there is more to it than that. Gum disease not only destroys your beautiful smile, it can raise the likelihood that you will suffer from a host of systemic illnesses. Cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are more likely to develop in those with gum disease. If maintaining healthy gums can prevent illness, how can we best avoid gum disease in Ft. Lauderdale, FL?

The Low Stress Way to Healthy Gums

  1. Brush a minimum of twice per day. More is better but at the very least, you must clear the bacteria and plaque from your teeth morning and night.
  2. Floss once a day. No one likes to floss but it only takes two minutes and the health benefits are numerous. Your periodontist will tell you to use string floss to get the areas around the teeth; floss picks will not access these areas.
  3. Schedule twice yearly cleanings. Professional cleanings tackle the plaque below the gum line and places you cannot reach.
  4. Visit your doctor once a year for an exam. Your dentist or periodontist can monitor your gums for signs of gum disease. Early detection is critical.
  5. Watch for symptoms of gum disease. Bleeding gums are a sure sign – and the first sign—that something is wrong. If your gums bleed when you brush, call your doctor to schedule an appointment. Early treatments can be as simple as antibiotics or deep cleanings.
  6. Swap your chips for fruits and vegetables. When you bite into an apple, the fiber scrubs your teeth clean and you create more saliva, which rinses away bacteria. They also provide you with vital nutrients.
  7. Check your habits. If you smoke, stop. It is terrible for your gums. If you chew gum, switch to sugar-free. When you are on the run and cannot brush after a meal, sugar-free gum may actually help to clear food particles from your teeth.

These are the basics to keeping you free from gum disease in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. For more information, call our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tom McCawley. Dr. McCawley can help you determine whether you are at risk for periodontal disease and your options for treatment.


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