5 FAQ About TeethToday­™ Dental Implants

Are you considering dental implants in Ft. Lauderdale, FL? Implants are the ideal solution for many of our patients looking to replace one or multiple teeth, but what about those missing an entire arch? The TeethToday­™ technique is great for those missing teeth in one or both arches. The system uses just four dental implants to support a natural-looking and functioning dental prosthesis.

Here are some of the common questions we hear about this system:

1. What Are the Benefits?

With TeethToday­™ dental implants, you get the following benefits:

• Eat whatever you want
• Improve the appearance of your smile
• Eliminate sunken features
• Long lasting solution
• Easy maintenance
• Decrease or eliminate health concerns related to failing teeth

2. How Do They Compare to Implants Alone?

All dental implants are surgically placed within the jaw bone, to act as a natural tooth would. If just one or a few implants are placed, dental crowns are placed on top to complete the look and process. Instead of crowns, with TeethToday­™, a dental prosthesis is attached to just four implants. For most patients, grafting won’t be required even though it is common in traditional methods.

3. Who Is the Ideal Candidate?

The ideal candidate for this procedure will be in good health and either currently wears dentures or need them in the near future. Candidates may have multiple missing teeth. Age will not be a factor for this procedure as long as the patient is healthy. In addition, if you have been told you are not a candidate for implants in the past, the TeethToday­™ system strategically places implants where bone volume is the highest, so you may still be considered for this option.

4. When Can You Smile Again?

You can smile as soon as you like! However, your implants will need time to heal before you can be fitted for your permanent replacement teeth. Until then, you will be fitted with a temporary set of teeth so you will leave our office with a new smile the same day!

5. Are TeethToday­™ Implants Difficult to Take Care of?

These implants have fairly easy maintenance. You’ll want to make sure you brush after meals, but other than that, you should be able to follow your normal oral hygiene routine. Although, do make sure you are extra diligent about regular visits to your periodontists.

For more information about TeethToday­™ implants, give us a call today and speak with our knowledgeable staff. If you’re ready, feel free to set an appointment with our periodontists Drs. Thomas and Mark McCawley.


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